
Bride’s Resume –

As I began thinking about your upcoming wedding, are you ready for your new position as wife? Let's have some fun and talk about money today. Below is the resume I have created for the Bride.

1234 Anytown Lane
Your City, XX 12345

Objective: Money manager in upcoming marriage. Contribute to the success of the marriage by establishing financial goals, bill paying and planning for financial future.

Relevant Skills:

Ability to communicate effectively
Ability to work well and make decisions under pressure
Profound knowledge of financial challenges
Excellent financial problem solving skills


CEO of your OWN Finances while employed at Some Company – 2012
Your City, CO

Monitor monthly bank statements
Manage bank accounts
Have a budget in place and is Managing your money
Paying bills on time
Have an emergency fund
Have a savings account or have a plan to save after paying off bills
Review credit report yearly and make necessary adjustments
Know what credit score is
Establish short and long-term financial goals (can show where you’ve achieved those goals)

Skills Desired:

Negotiation Skills

Communication Skills

Have excellent financial problem solving skills (would be able to share about two unexpected financial challenges that arose and how you handled the challenge)

Are you doing all of the above? Would you be able to give this to your fiance and he feel comfortable in choosing you as his bride? Or would you not be able to give him this because you have some "not so pretty" financial issues.

What are you doing – what action are you taking to get your finances in order before you walk down the aisle? What are you doing to get your credit in order or ensure it is already in order because you will be buying a house shortly after marriage? You are in control!



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