
The Ultimate Home Remedy Wedding Survival Guide


Your wedding is 5 days away and you have been running around like crazy. You look in the mirror and think, “Chile, I need a facial, my eyebrows need taming,  and my teeth surely could use a little whitening". Aside from signing off on your marriage license and doing your final walk through of your venue with your wedding planner there are some serious quick home remedies that any woman can use to be beauty ready for the big day. Your kitchen is a safe haven of natural goodness that can whip your whole body in shape in a matter of minutes. So embrace your inner home remedy because we are taking you through the ultimate  wedding survival guide that is sure to have you wedding ready.


Starting to notice that your skin is not quite as radiant and supple as you would like it to be? Before you decided to call up your esthetician I challenge you to march right into your kitchen and your local Whole Foods and find the following items: olive oil, raw honey, lemons, strawberries, baking soda, and sugar (white, brown, or raw). Yes, there are great facial and body products in the market, but I believe we really neglect the understanding of how useful natural fruits and veggies are for our internal and external health. I am an advocate of the good green earth and saving a good green dollar by any means necessary as long as it benefits my body.


~ Day 5~

Oil Cleansing


Sometimes when we use over the counter facial products they often remove our natural oils causing the skin to over produce oil thus resulting in breakouts as the skin tries to regulate what has been striped. Using natural oils such as castor, sunflower, almond, or coconut oil will naturally cleanse the skin with out removing its natural oils.  Never use castor oil straight always blend.

  • Oily Skin: Try a blend of 30% Castor Oil to 70% Sunflower Seed Oil or Sweet Almond Oil
  • Balanced Skin: Try a blend of 20% Castor Oil to 80% Sunflower Seed Oil or Sweet Almond Oil
  • Dry Skin: Try a blend of 10% Castor Oil to 90% Sunflower Seed Oil or Sweet Almond Oil

DIY: Rub a small amount of oil onto dry face and massage into skin for several minutes. To remove, soak a clean washcloth in hot steamy water and place on face until it starts to cool. Gently use the washcloth to wipe your face until the oil is gone.

 ~ Day 4 ~

Food Masks


We have all probably heard of some great food masks for our hair and face. And as odd as it may feel sometimes they always seem to produce the best results, which means we should probably be doing them more often.  Skip the spa for this week and just trust mother nature's goodies.

Honey Lemon Mask

Do not exfoliate skin before using this method

  • 1/2 of fresh lemon
  • 2 teaspoons of raw honey

Mix until the consistency is like that of cough syrup and apply. Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water to remove. Pat dry and apply a creamy moisturizer (I highly recommend Cetaphil)  This mask only needs to be repeated once a week or twice a month depending on skin sensitivity.

~ Day 3 ~

Shrinking those Pores


Juice Mask

  • Cucumber juice
  • Rose water
  • Lemon juice

Mix above all the ingredients and apply it on your face. Leave it for 20 min then rinse your face. This will definitely shrink your pores.


Steam and Ice Method

  • Medium size pot
  • Your favorite essential oils such as: Lavender, Tee Tree, Chamomile
  • Towel
  • Medium size bowl
  • Ice

DIY: Boil a pot of water and apply a few drops of your favorite essential oil.  Drape your head over the pot with a towel for 10-15 minutes. Pat dry with a cold wash cloth. Fill the bowl with ice and then take both hands and submerge your face with the ice for 30 seconds. Pat dry and you are all set!

 ~ Day 2~

Teeth Whitening Naturally


Teeth Whitening

  • Strawberries
  • Baking Soda
  • Olive Oil

DIY: Make a paste of equal parts mashed or pureed strawberries and baking soda. Put in mouth guard or tooth tray and leave on teeth for up to 30 minutes. Repeat a couple times a week until your teeth are as white as you want. To speed things up, swish with 1 TBSP of olive oil each night for 20 minutes and then spit and brush well. This helps remove toxins and whiten

 ~Day 1 ~

The Body Sugar Scrub


  • Olive or Sweet Almond Oil
  • White, Brown, and Raw (can be used all together or separate)
  • Mixing bowl
  • 8 oz. wide applicator bottle (optional)

DIY: Mix equal parts of white, brown, or raw sugar  with the olive or almond oil  in a large mixing bowl. Mix until you get a nice consistency. You can put the mixture into an applicator bottle or jar.  To exfoliate skin, rub the mixture onto skin while in the shower and massage in for a couple of minutes. Rinse off with warm water.


You do not have to do any of these methods in this exact order, but I highly recommend all of these methods to try. They are all natural and offer the fastest results. Remember although you may not be able to eat all of these food you can certainly use them to radiate your skin. I am sure your will find a method that you love. 



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