Photo by Alekon pictures on Unsplash
by Marquita C. Richardson
As a newlywed, when I thought about welcoming our first child into the world, I imagined all the great things that typically happen for most new moms. I imagined my husband being at all of the doctors appointments, our loved ones visiting after giving birth, the close support of my mom and sisters as I navigated the first few days of being a mother, family members helping with the baby so my husband and I could get some rest, among many other things.
To my surprise, my experience was a lot different than how I thought it would be. I never would have guessed in a million years that I would be pregnant during a Pandemic.
I mean, what are the odds?
This was, however, my experience. When the world “shut down” in March of 2020, I was entering my third trimester and terrified of what was happening. Up until that time, my husband had attended every doctor’s appointment with me. With new rules in place, my doctors office only allowed appointments for pregnant women and women who needed to be seen for other important reasons. Of course, masks and temperature checks were required at each visit. When it came time to give birth, thankfully, my husband was allowed to be there. Since I was COVID-tested a couple days before being induced, I was able to go through the entire process without having to wear a mask. Everyone else involved in any way had his or her masks on at all times.
Photo by Charles J on Unsplash
Despite it being a pandemic, my time spent in the hospital was good overall. The medical staff did a great job tending to my needs, making sure my son and I were okay and helping to keep us Covid-free throughout the entire process. During my stay at the hospital, I almost forgot that the entire world was shut down outside those doors. That’s how smoothly things went.
Although things did not happen the way I expected, I’m thankful that we made it through unscathed. Hopefully the next time around I’ll get to enjoy a baby-moon, in-person baby shower, and in-person Lamaze classes, instead of virtual ones. If this experience taught me anything, it’s taught me that life will throw some punches, but you’ve got to roll with them in order to survive.
Are you a mom who experienced a portion or all of her pregnancy during the pandemic? Share your story below!
Photo by Garrett Jackson on Unsplash
About the Author
I am Marquita and I’m excited to be apart of the After the Aisle family as one of its newest writers. In 2013, I decided to start a blog as a way to express myself creatively and it has been a labor of love every since. I began in the fashion niche, and later decided to transition to lifestyle, which is definitely my sweet spot. Meet Marquita is where I talk about travel, style, beauty, and lifestyle, among other things.
I’m a proud two-time graduate of the greatest HBCU on earth, North Carolina A&T State University. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, traveling, shopping, working on my blog and participating in activities with my sorority, Delta Sigma Theta.