Wedding planning alone is enough to send any bride and or groom into a tizzy. However, sometimes it’s just pure nervousness and fear of things going awry that makes what is supposed to be a beautiful day into a wedding nightmare.
We sat down with bride Alexandra Weekly to talk about her experience leading up to her destination wedding when the weather seemed to have other plans in store for her. Find out what helped her get to the biggest day of her life.
State your name, age, as well as the date and location of your wedding.
Alexandra Weekly, 29 years old, married on June 22, 2009, in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.
“Anxiety started to kick in three days away from the big day.”
What were your emotions like leading up to your wedding?
As the day got closer, it was a mixture of emotions. I was excited and nervous all at the same time. But, I was excited that I was getting married! However, I was also nervous because my groom and I chose to do a destination wedding. My biggest concern was finding a place that’d be affordable for my husband’s family in Costa Rica. Anxiety started to kick in three days away from the big day.
What made you most nervous about your wedding date?
Since my wedding was a destination wedding, planning was extremely nervewracking. Just like any other bride you want your day to be perfect. The weather was a big concern for me. In the state of Florida, mother nature is very moody during the month of June. One minute it would rain, and the next minute, the sun is shining brighter than ever.
And to tell you the truth, it rained the morning of my wedding day. So, my ceremony had to be moved inside. Talk about frustration! Right after our ceremony, the sun finally came out. On a brighter note though, they say if it rains on your wedding day, it means good luck, and we’re nine years and counting.
What measures did you take to overcome those fears?
My event planner at the resort was so helpful! Her consistent emails with pictures attached and phone calls about every little detail calmed my nerves. Although, I still felt, “Oh my gosh, how is everything going to look,” in the back of my mind. Again, anxiety piqued through. But when the big day finally arrived, all my visions came to life. My wedding day was everything I hoped for, and I was so happy becoming Mrs. Weekly.
Any advice for brides who might find themselves getting pre-wedding jitters?
My best advice to give to a bride is: Do what makes you happy. Don’t go around stressing yourself to please others because at the end of the day it’s your moment of happiness that matters.
How did you handle jitters during your wedding day? Let us know in the comments below or send us your story to [email protected] for a chance to be featured in our “Real Bride” series!